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Bee Blossom 12 oz Candle Magick
Bee Blossom 12 oz Candle Magick

Bee Blossom 12 oz Candle Magick

Regular price $36.00 $0.00 Unit price per

These 12 oz candles were made with the intention of creativity, motivation and. The honeybee with its sweetness and light has been a potent symbol and source of spiritual inspiration in many traditions around the  world for thousands of years. This candle was created to connect your sacral chakra to your solar plexus and then heart chakra. The buzzing of bees represents the unstruck sound and the celestial hum of creation.

Includes a golden bee charm and crystals -

Honey calcite, which attracts prosperity and sparks spiritual inspiration by connecting our root chakra to our sacral and solar plexus chakras. Citrine- which boosts our energy,motivation and creativity by further connecting our sacral to solar plexus chakra. 
Rose Quartz which is the stone of self love, helps us balance our emotions and focus on our own self worth connecting to our heart chakra. Lastly flower agate, a blooming energy which helps us reach our highest potential with encouragement with a balancing peace that lets us stop and smell the flowers. 

The candles contain beeswax as well as orange blossom, blood orange oil, apricot oil, bergamot, Manuka honey, orange blossom infused honey, peach nectar, madagascar vanilla, strawberry leaf, infused with propolis. Our eco friendly sustainable wax is a soy/ coconut and apricot wax blend. 

includes  crystals-

Honey Calcite has a sweet and nurturing energy, that is both grounding and uplifting.  It helps us feel steady, empowered, clear-minded and able to use our power for the Highest Good.  Honey Calcite attracts prosperity and helps us release old scarcity beliefs that hold us back from enjoying life.  It inspires generosity, for ourselves and for others.  It encourages us to stop and smell the rose and to notice the beauty that is all around us.  Honey Calcite also encourages us to actively continue our spiritual education and not grow complacent.  It reminds us that there are books to read, ideas to ponder, rituals to participate in and that the Divine is waiting for us to answer the call.  Honey Calcite sparks spiritual inspiration and gives us the energy we need to pursue our spiritual tasks and goals.  Honey Calcite is attuned to the Root, sacral and Solar Plexus  and linked to the astrological sign of Cancer. It is connected to the element of Fire and Wind vibrates to the number 8.

Citrine- Citrine is a beautiful stone that is yellow to brown in color. Citrine is a great ‘summer’ stone that carries with it the power of the sun. It energizes and enhances creativity, giving you that extra push to create. 

Flower agate - Flower Agate can be described as an energy that helps in the “reblooming” of the enjoyment of being alive after a long, perhaps painful, and exhausting movement through more dense and difficult life challenges.  This stone would be well matched with someone who has gone through somewhat traumatic life events, or extended times of crisis, who has done the hard work of healing and shadow work already–but who is still feeling jaded, guarded, empty, and without jooy. Flower agate helps us reach our highest potential, protecting us from fears and self-doubt. flower agate  inspires us to manifest and nurture our dreams. Its energy ignites a passion to pursue dreams and live life to the fullest.

Rose Quartz chips- known as the love stone. It helps the user feel a strong sense of self-worth, therefore being worth love. Rose quartz is the stone of universal love. It is also the stone of love in marriage. When worn in jewelry the wearer feels a sense of self-worth. Rose Quartz opens the heart to compassion for self and for others, and raises self-esteem. Rose Quartz eases guilt and balances emotions, lowering stress and bringing peace. Use Rose Quartz to enhance positive self-affirmations.


never  leave unattended or alone with children. 

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